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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gallop Data and Charile Sheen for the American Working Man

I still think the unemployment numbers published by the government are skewed. 

Gallop released their data today before BLS tomorrow: 

Gallop says unemployment is at 10.3% and back at the same level as Feb 2010.

This does not show a job market that is improving... 

Who is right?

Who is wrong?

See the whole Gallop release here:  Gallop Feb 2011.  From the findings:
There is essentially no difference between the unemployment rate now and the one at this time a year ago; January's rate, in contrast, showed a 1.1-percentage-point year-over-year improvement. This suggests that the real U.S. jobs situation worsened in February. That is, jobs are relatively less available now than in January.
They see underemployment at 19.9%... ouch. 
Is Gallop any more reliable than the BLS? 

The gloves come off at 8am EST time tomorrow on this debate.

In other news, is Charlie Sheen the new advocate for the working man?

I'd say HELL YES HE IS:  Enjoy

Sheen and American workers want the same thing:  A raise and to be thought of as special. 

Sheen is, however, a 'Total Bitchin' Rockstar from Mars..."

I hope this guy's saga lasts longer than the markets topping process!  I could watch these videos all day!


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